Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Introduction Part 1

Here we go, live on this blog for the first time ever talking about some things people keep underwraps, some have a big objection to in principal and something some of us feel we still need.
Having got the painful part out of the way, let me begin by saying I disagree entirely with abusing children and all punishment should be structured, arise from actual misbehaviour and proportionate, distinguishing between accidents and that you know will happen and are expected to take responsible for.
While it is the fashion to go one about the rights of the child, the child itself is evolving, is lacking a clear sense of right and wrong relying on others to instruct it and the child has the need expressed in the responsibility of adults chiefly parents, to punish all transgressions to cause them to desist from repeating them.
Different techniques do work for different children and so ruling out spanking is to take out a method some children find preferable to dragged out groundings, endless meetings of professionals and so on.
The sigh of "I want it over with now" can be heard and for me it's always been so and indeed the dragging out by well meaning experts cause me more damage to my self esteem than any number of quickly administered spankings ever did. I'd much sooner of had an "expert spanking" on many of an occasion and what is more It would of stopped more quicker than anything.
I so need this to properly sort me out.

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