Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Thoughts for May

Over here in Great Britain, it would be an official holiday where the banks and government offices are closed even though many shops do open other than this year rather rapidly it was decided to move to Friday May 8th to coincide with 75th V.E. Day celebrations leaving some Diaries messed up but most of that has gone thanks to Coronavirus.
 One things I do associate with May is Maypole dancing which is an ancient country tradition around much of Great Britain, sometimes performed by adults but often by children especially in Junior School (8 1/2 through 11+) where set to music we weave the individual ribbons together, at least in theory, as anyone who did only to find one person was out of step soon found out!
This is a lovely countryside animal drawing that shows the technique rather well and where I had my 8+ through 11+ education was in the country so we often went on nature rambles bring bits back with us for the teacher to lead a discussion of our findings and do some project work.
Before I forget, thanks for following for doing just that and for other people that started to read this blog for the first time.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Bouncing about

It's been an odd week for emotions with all this lock down stuff going on feeling very much I was waiting for groan ups for instructions which at times it can be  with me cos when I really feel things then it just is sometimes to the exclusion of much else
That took me back a bit in time mentally...
Time was when skipping just for the fun of it was one of my favourite activities outside of any formal games or PE usually involving a traditional knotted rope with wooden handles that actually I kept up until I was about sixteen.
Part of it I think was being in control of my body, making it move which with my disabilities is hard going as it feels often like there's several internal wires missing carrying that information so I can't 'summon' it to move to will, something that perplexed many an adult.
Actually I got pretty good at it.
The other side of it is it makes me feel very girlish, just jumping and skipping from side to side in a carefree way and I think I'm in need of carefree spaces so something like that the next time we are able to get away may be the thing

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Easter 2020 edition

It's that weekend just gone although munching may well continue.
The season of the nom'ing of chocolate, that is although there is a very important spiritual side to Easter some of us hold to as well.

So I have an Egg to get through over this period which will be appreciated and a few Easter cards with chicks on them too
The other thing is although I don't exact post about every single week  is that I do mess up from time to time not least in stressful situations and times such that we're living in presently.

Just imagine a situation where you found yourself being spanked by the Easter Bunny no less not that far out of my imagination having grown up watching Bugs Bunny spank in cartoons as Miley did in a various famous photoshoot of 2018?
It might well be the ultimate spanking experience for a regressed adult little like me and what if afterwards when I said I was sorry, he gave me an Egg?
It might just be perfect for me.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Stitched memories

If there is one past in the present moment in this life I'd love to recreate anew then this experience would be one on my list of five I'd put toward the top of it.

You see, for me visiting grandma's meant many things, playing games usually the sorts of games we either never had or perhaps no one would of thought I'd love like connect four, or tv shows my folks had issues with but talking with her about what was being shown and soft drinks and biscuits.

To me that was more fun than being locked into a car for three-quarters of an hour on your own and we'd make things from either paper or even make cakes.

The big thing was near enough every other week I'd be measured and we'd go through knitting patterns as she hand knitted nearly every single cardigan or sweater I had adapting the instructions to get a perfect fit on me usually at the same time and the same style as my female cousins in either dusty pink a odd mixture of bluesy pink, red or grey.

Sometimes I'd play on the swing in the rear garden, help out with planting things or even walk with her to the local park in an afternoon if it were the school hols.

Outside of school uniform, I never owned a machine made one into past my teens often on a similar style to the one on the right.

As a practising Christian , Easter and the entire Holy Week was marked  with readings around and Palms in vases. I'd always have an egg from her.
It's enough to know she's very much missed by me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Fools Day

A new Moth indeed and a white rabbit goofing about for good measure which I suppose Mr Bunny has every right to I guess.

The Egg will be no more on the 12th  I'm afraid being nom'd right down to the last bit of its ear but then there's always another year and another Egg even though it won't be the same as normally will with family visits and all that.

We all have pasts, some good others not so good but the important thing is how we can reconcile our pasts so we can move forward not be defined just by them alone and although creating a new structure because how much social life has been impacted by the measures to deal with Coronavirus isn't easy for me, I'm getting on with it because my disabilities aside I have the means to do what is necessary to maintain my life.

If kids are having to get used to it then there's no reason I shouldn't be.