Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Gender cultural comformity

After an interesting week where one person at a site said they found my blog which is funny cos it is listed there and frankly anyone could google it, there was something that came into mind that I did feel about talking about.
Gender cultural norms.

I saw this a while back and personally I just love what it is about.
In the first instance do we know the gender of the dress wearer? Personally I couldn't careless as much as I care about your ability too be the gender you are.

It may be  someone born male  or maybe  a female who doesn't see why she should have to remove every single naturally growing hair from her leg nor pluck her eyebrows thin in the way groups of girls would gather in the dorms trying to do it for each other one having shown the others how.

Just why should anyone who identifies as female have to wear make up and lipstick or face being either ridiculed or be called out on their gender identity?

Can we not appreciate how they dress and what as people they are like-their inner beauty if you will?

If I want to wear a shorter skirt or a short sleeved dress especially this time of year then frankly as those who know me will know I shall without getting hung up on if there's a stray hair here or there as having a skin condition lots of shaving may remove hairs but does nothing for where patches where my eczema  is.
If as I do, I like to wear shorts like on Monday just going for a stroll where they may be overgrown hedgerows and that then why should that be regarded by some as just 'ikky boy' when as a female you can because that's you?

It's not what you wear so much as what you bring to them as the wearer.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Preventing the Princess Sassypants moments

 It's a quiet rather so-so afternoon as I type this having just dodged dark skies that would of had you thinking you were in for getting soaked as I kept reviewing the situation being prepared to cut short my time outside, picking shorter routes if needs be.

That's pretty much the worst thing with this weather, it's so unsettled yet not going out isn't just a matter of forgoing exercise and fresh air as valuable as those things are but for someone like me not going out, working off any frustrations tends to lead to me feeling cranky.

Things just build up in me rather like a pressure cooker and then spill over which tends then to the point I'm bent over for a good spanking so really apart from quickly working around what's bugging me  it's essential I'm given the space to let it all out safely.

That's why I'm grateful for being able to be out take in the countryside and count the birds as it works out better all round.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Jo gains a badge edition

I'm a bit late in publishing todays edition I'm afraid with a few unexpected things to deal with and just as I was about to get into the swing of it, I get correspondence that needs to be dealt with.

I'm still about contrary to what some at a certain site say but as I have said on here before I am not in the best of health, I do run low on energy and that means I need to prioritize what I do more towards things that are important like as novel as it may before for some like trying to get food organized and generally look after my well being that expecting me to posting and chatting away on sites.

As it is I run a Tumblr and three blogs and believe you me, I struggle with that some weeks to the point I have considered pausing this blog so to read comments that don't take account of things that have been said before and in one place even with a "sticky" note is disheartening and yet people don't seem to understand.

I have been working on tidying my Tumblr up as goes back a few years because looking at and posting the odd comment when I'm up to it does help to cheer me up and those sorts of things honestly are the best uses of my spare time when I can.

Breaks such as the one the week before last to just relax and be with people are really the things I need rather than random "I'd like to take your knickers down and turn your bottom bright red, what do you think?" messages and that.

I'm more than a spanking fantasy.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Twirling around the day

Last week's adventures were pretty neat, see the other blog for an account showing clearly the need for calm and relaxation over what has been a extraordinary period of worry, concern and fear as we could not just see people for fun for a good period.

Just to be able to talk about what has been on our minds face to face helped as did working together making and doing things, enjoying the views although the weather could of been better.

Looking at that picture, I only wish my stairway was that elegant as our house is typical late 60's, early 70's semi lacking a certain finesse when it comes to such things.

What's so wrong with making features of them???

One other thing I do wish my fairy godmother would get me classic 50's style girls dress like this, a bit puffed out in a plaid fabric  cos I do so love walking and hey twirling around in dresses.

In other news I did get a number of new cds while I was away mainly of classical music although to be really period one really needs a Decca all tube stereogram suitably modified to play them over which ironically I had growing up (allegedly).