Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Intergrity: It's what we need

You know something don't you? Many people will do practically anything to avoid admitting they were wrong even sometimes to the extent of getting into very serious trouble with partners, employers and even the law through either misrepresenting something or even telling blatant lies.
Now we all know society functions on 'little white lies' but that works okay cos most people know what a little white lies is and don't large it up any further.
Now one way to avoid getting in big whopping lies is to tell the truth of which the easiest thing is to ADMIT you're wrong at the time!
Wrong can be a case of a decision that resulted in errors such as taking short cut thru town that wasn't really or coding up an item wrongly on a invoice making extra work for somebody. It could be you messed up a sales presentation so your potential client didn't sign up or just when you commented on something in the news to a friend and it turns out what you said wasn't right.
It's okay not to BS through this stuff and actually you'll be respected more by your peers if you do as I do and hold your hand up to your mistakes.

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