Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Extracts from the Toy Box

Well from the least expected places there seems to be more girls like me from what I've seen so if you're reading this for the first time, welcome.
To business now, following on from that bit of a resorting of casual sporty clothes I found a few things from my childhood I want to share.
I loved the wombles at the time, really I did having pictures, records and having watched the Tv series and here's my Great Uncle Bulgaria which is a late 1990's version as I think I lost the original like you do.
Also I found a C70 battleship made by Lesney of England in 1976 which is in very good shape with just a few marks on the underside. I wasn't really into war related toys  much so I think someone bought it me (kinda forget who just now) so I just kinda took care of it putting it on a shelf so it wasn't played with unlike my dolls or thumbed like my annuals.
I gave it a bit of a dust before taking this picture

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