Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Children's Magazines again

Although the weather has been lousy for most of the week coupled with being very ill I do get out rather than living life behind a screen, interacting with people and that means at the very least I get to go to the general store and newsagent quite a bit.

I had been looking for a while at comics and magazines aimed for children are both displayed and also the kinds of content because in the time I've been on this planet things have changed.

Most comics and magazines are still sold on a "sales or return basis, the newssagent gets a credit for any unsold copies that are gathered up and collected by the distributor but an increasing number are going for direct sales with indviduals taking out subscriptions with copies being posted out in timed intervals to you.

Inspirations for comics can come from anywhere.

This one from the mid 1940's only had a short run came from parents in the United States who felt existing comics wre too sensational, lacking any meaning content and purely escapist and so mixed more wholesome stories, comic strips in with information about what girls could get involved in and interests.

A kind of "mash up" between comic and magazine.

I really like that cover and the concept.

  A more modern co-ed version is this published by Bayard in France which mixes a short story with comics set in the past with features on science, nature and intresets in a way that is lively, leaping off the page and easy to read.

A well written comic or magazine gently pushes language development, introucing new words and concepts and this is aimed more at 8-14 which given my reading problems is about right and guarantees you do get a challenging gripping story to read given I struggle with Young Adult fiction nevermind naytrhing really intended for adults.

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