Wednesday, April 13, 2022

How we see things

Life does throw a curve ball at times like last week and I'm not fully recovered as of yet although your concerns are much appreciated here as much as I do expect the Easter Bunny to be about towards the end of the week.

Like I have been good, resting, although I haven't felt much up to anything else shall we say.

There are parts of me that do align to the spirit of things like Girl Guiding contrary to what perhaps some might expect with things like the promise and trying to be the difference making things the best you can in what is at times a very challenging world.

Trying to put the emphasis more on what you can give and the difference you can make apart from trying to be responsible is a thing worth encouraging and supporting.

In a better childhood, things like Rainbows,Brownies and Guides might of featured building on strengths and better grounding me.

It sometimes troubles me that adults tend to look such things as either a bit "iffy" or just as a trope for adult content.

In the Spanking Era some of us went through it was the case you might be subject to some sort of discipline while in a movement such as girl guiding or scouts although as I understand it there were rules at least in part for the protection of Leaders if not their charges even if sometimes things may of gone "off rules".

The focus of your being a guide or scout was what you did, the fun you had and rather less on any sanctions that might of come your way, never mind "wanting it".

It goes without saying the Modern Era is rightly more strict about professional conduct, very strict on inappropriate conduct and rule breaking, following current conventions.

Guess what I'm saying is whatever you do, try to keep foremost the good volunteers are doing taking Guide and Scout packs respecting how that helps your community and raise children and young people. Not creepy people who want to get off on what no one should.

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