Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year and review issue

So it is New Year already and it's bucketing down  already although you might say the backdrop to that was around from mid afternoon yesterday when I went out for a bit of a walk as I felt my joints starting to seize up.

What's happened here this year gone I hear you all cry.

Well although the year before had seen some reductions in the amount of time I went away as issues with capacity and some other issues we'll leave out of a public post I was able to worm my way back in for both weekends like the Christmas Party apart from the now traditional two longer get togethers for several days just playing, doing things, having fun.

After the events of the previous year, that was very much needed given some of the issues that tend to surface in my family and some of Dad's blacker moods at times.

Moods is apt thing cos in a number of ways this blog has been of late more around feeling, emotions and what they call today more stuff with emotional well-being as past events have left me with various traumas and sometimes patterns of behaviour that don;t really help me.

Just getting them off my chest, acknowledging they are around and trying to do something more positive about them is really rather more of what I need to be doing.


In the New Year I'll dress more in accordance with how I feel so I feel comfortable in my own skin. just being me, finding more time to do the things that help keep me more on the level, being more child-like. 

That I think also applies with me to keep me in check.

Some things just work with me and we might as well just acknowledge the fact a good spanking helps although time spent talking about and agreeing to finding ways of avoiding getting in the situations that call for it helps too.

Happy 2025 folks!