Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Castle Hill

You know, this whole area around age regression sometimes takes you in different directions such consider what could of happened had your life had indeed been different  as a child.
One area for me is what would of happened had I of attended a different sort of school such as more traditional girls school.
For one thing, the chances are it would be built from old brick or stone having two stories one of which would be the dormitories, recreation area and prep rooms possible in the shape of a castle with four turrets.
Each would be occupied  based on a house system with each wing belong to a house who compete in various competitions for a prize outside of that of inter form prizes which was something my own school didn't have.
There wasn't  really much to strive form that probably did not aid my motivational issues because there wasn't anything really to set your aims for or encourage you to work hard for your fellow form members taking individual responsibility for a collective effort.
It would have a large grounds to stroll around as  well as sports fields and a swimming pool that could be used by permission at the weekends for fun.

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