Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Caught in the act!

While the rest of the planet is into post election stuff, scumbag Putin's latest attempt win the Global Most Barbarous Act 2024 Award and a certain football competition in Germany, I'm getting more personal here.

Changed times mean changed realities and the attempt to keep up with the daily drama and given you're the only one left on the spot to deal with it all all to often leads to a situation you just feel merged into that person.

 It just goes around and around and that's before they gaslight you for being as white as a sheet with chest pains, severe pain at the top of left arm, blacking out and dizziness accusing you of trying to make them feel guilty as if you'd seriously put something on that ideally you need to be getting immediate assistance with?

It's certainly not that you have, I have, any issue with caring but it seems very much a onesided show.


  1. Young lady smoking is against school rules. Report to my study for a caning. Miss Tracy Trevor (Headmistress).

  2. I quite agree on the issue of smoking which must never go unpunished.
