Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Moving on


Hi Hi folks, here we go with another entry after last week's offering and its comments so thank you very much for that because we are working towards a wider range when comes to topics that I post about on here.

That's around the many changes that have occurred in my life over the years, changes in the extent to which some things that interested me the have changed and the belief that working through my emotions journalling  makes more sense.

Ducks and Swans have been a favourite thing of mine to just sit out and watch, be they in a parkside lake or like in this picture I took recently, swimming on our local canal.

  Generally I tend to favour using a telezoom because you can move from something like a duck or swan  capturing it and its reflection to more of a portrait at the twist of the zoom range rather than having to change from a 90mm to 210mm fixed length lens.

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