Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The evolving world

The countdown soon enough will begin as we get into Advent  although presently here is is actually below zero today outdoors so you might well be finding your thicker tights and a well covering coat if you intend to get past the front door.

Social media and me have had a chequered history with what I found were relative respectful early sites with narrow focus that when you joined all of you saw and bought into to others that were broader.

In my earliest days of trying to find more around the world of adult littles and particularly around adult little girl forms I found the most prominent ones were occupied by "sissies" and accompanying kinks such as bdsm which is fine if that's you but it wasn't for me looking for more child-like regression at the time and some of the sexualized stuff was very off putting.

Experience Project was a very much a mixed thing being a place where people could talk about anything within categories and experience groups with the Tg groups being more occupied by sexual crossdressers but there was groundbreaking support on there for genderfluid and NB.

When that closed down, I did join Similar Worlds but I have decided to delete my account there for a variety of reasons one being seen as a whack whack whack object which was vicariously lived through by some with a amazing sense of entitlement and for another I found there just wasn't the intelligent exchanges and conversation I was wanting.

It was obvious some had never really read what I had written and that site followed Experience Projects mistake of eliminating the individual groups and grouping things under very broad headings so if you were looking in the LGBT+ section you'd see a load of posts that didn't apply to you making it difficult to get quickly the posts you were interested in.

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