Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The new term clean up

After last weeks entry, an entry of a different sort this week as many schools return, set for Autumn give or take the odd designated training day many of us don't recall before much of the bureaucracy in modern teaching started.

This blog does go back a very good while and has been a bit all over the place with presentation, content, the odd issue with blogger and so on not being helped with me being seriously ill at times and unwell at others.

Part of which has been it hasn't been always clear what exactly it has been about sometimes going down one rabbit hole for quite a period and then changing so for this term we are having a fairly comprehensive tidying up session.

Some posts are being expanded a little to add missing detail, some that are effectively just repeat posts within roughly the same period removed and replaced by posts from that period that cover other things connected to adult little girl and adult school girl life.

The difference between this and the main Littles blog was really that this was supposed to be the blog that looked more into how I was feeling, my thoughts around this life, meeting the challenges of it not least my emotional and behavioural issues and meeting them to help me move on.

Over the years like many sites Blogger has added whole new paragraphs and sections around what it considers acceptable posts - for instance on post from 2009 that had a return like to a quiz was unpublished and then restored a day later because they saw it as "spam" only a few days ago after over a decade of being published - so not everything might necessarily fit in which instance does it need to be around?

So while what it is about hasn't changed some posts have and the other thing is images have changed as some lacked them, others were of poor quality and the odd one *may* had come close to new guidelines restrictions so using a substitute that matched the topic but less problematic have been considered and done.

I *may* look at the standalone pages at some point to see if the can be made less wordy and review any images

Basically the blog remains the same although it more fully meets the original intended focus - me, my issues and how they are being dealt with - although while covering spanking is not by design a spanking centred blog.

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