Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ms Jo's spanking needs III

Punishment Spankings are implemented for the purpose of modifying a woman’s misbehaviour. The three most common areas of misbehaviour in the LDD lifestyle are known as the 3 D’s, namely, “Disobedience” “Dishonesty” and “Disrespect.” If the woman crosses these boundaries she will usually be faced with a Punishment Spanking. Punishment Spankings are quite different to the other spankings mentioned above, since here the woman is taken from a negative situation and brought back into a neutral one. Her caregiver will strive to bring her down a peg or two. Not to bring her down below his level, but down to his level. Many women that are about to be punished, or have misbehaved have so much pride that they try to elevate themselves above their caregiver. It is essential to break through the woman’s emotions so that she can be brought back down to reality and be more accepting of her offence and punishment. Scolding the woman and leaving her in a humiliating position, in preparation for her spanking, are usually strong enough to break through her barriers of pride
The main purpose of a Punishment Spanking is for the woman to reach remorse and contrition by means of a “Tearful Discipline.” This is generally achieved by both humiliation and a severe spanking which will leave her crying very hard. By crying cathartically she is completely surrendering her will to her caregiver. By surrendering her will to her caregiver’s authority she is firmly brought back in touch with her femininity and submission. She will feel in no doubt that she is subjected to her man’s authority where she will feel completely protected, loved and safe. The emotional intensity and profound reconnection after a Punishment Spanking results in a deeper bonding and closeness, which is unparallel to anything experienced

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