Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A somethings extra post

After last week's entry I've been sorting a few things out for a charity collection and generally making space for CatMas in late december as one present has already arrived, boxed up and sorted the shelves out a little.

Waves. That sounds rather like me, things just coming over, focusing just on that and sometimes then moving on to something else as you then start thinking "Did I really want this?".

Dolls were a bit of up and down thing with being rather late in getting any having never been bought one and most I had tended to be the porcelain sort with posable bodies in various usually vintage costumes rather than dollies to play with.

So I'd get the odd one or two and then "The Imposter" would start in my head saying "You really shouldn't be feeling this way, wanting to play. Just what would people think???"

Before you know it you're almost convinced to give it all up and hand them on which certainly would be better than just binning them.

This is a recent one, a 1978 seven inch Brownies doll in the then current uniform which these days isn't strictly uniform a mix and match from our lists thing so no one six looks the same unlike then.

Then there's the more role model sort such as this original British Airways Stewardess one from the days countries had "National Carriers" which was presented to staff and can we keep our -ess's please.
We're not men thank god and there's nothing demeaning about having a female title, actresses are not just "eye candy"  but highly accomplished performers and Stewardess's perform and important role where knowledge, tact and common sense make a huge difference to air travel.

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