Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Reflections on the week

 Well we are back although the journey certainly tried my patience with diversion, road closure and resurfacing signs coupled with incidents doubling the time it took to get home from littles camp.

It's a sign that this thing has actually worked that I was able to zone out, letting it pass over me without going into a meltdown or swearing quite badly, keeping calm even when the car driver was starting to get quite agitated.

The other thing was I was able find a way though the politics of presentation as one or two have some rather trenchant ideas about how littles should dress and unlike them I accept the changes today have a good number of things that are better when it comes to gender roles and how we dress.

So I found ways of being more "girlie" when I felt like it that weren't so stereotypical and stood my ground where an activity simply wasn't going to work for me in a respectful way, doing all I could to help out.

That again used to be a bit problematic mainly because few said exactly what and when they really needed a hand and I'm used to more direct "I could use some help" statements rather than mind reading, bobbing up all the time with offers that would be met by counter offers.

I'd say I did good this time.

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