Friday, July 22, 2016

Middle space

The other night in chat, I felt so what the heck little it was incredible, regressing in terms of  how interacted  with others playing games, making child like jokes and using child like language and spellings as my middle/little mindset came straight out.
Sometimes I struggle with this not least if say people are running with 'adult' agendas or topics  that aren't in any way connected to little life in the way meeting with friends or buying toys might be.
The sort of littles out but sat with a alcoholic drink talking soccer and politics thing in other words.
 That can never be a part of me because deep down I'm that little girl  in her co-ordinates or dress sipping pop, holding on to my plushies or sucking a lollipop in the presence of grown ups who needs her little space respecting while the grown ups look after me. 

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