Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Weekly review

I'm taking things a bit steady this week for a reason, namely I was having 'spoons' issues to the point over the weekend I just fell asleep, zoning out too, when I was talking with my BFF. Unfortunately I don't always spot when this is likely to occur which is like kind of embarrassing and often I'll have no idea until I wake up this happened and even the just what it was I was meant to be doing.
I may delay publishing one blog and concentrate on a upcoming Tumblr anniversary entry apart from also working on anniversary entry and associated work on The World of Joanne_chan so like that's two significant things to mark.
You can't stop the unexpected though .
Earlier this week a person we know knocks on the door about twenty past nine in the evening which is wind down time with me before I have a drink and go to bed and Mommy lets her in plus dog. The dog is the reason she came cos it had been badly injured requiring some £2,000 worth of veterinary work plus much tlc by its owners to restore walking and she wanted to show its progress. Mommy kind of forgot for one thing my plushies were all out on a couch in a line, theirs various children' completed craft kits of mine in the fireplace, dolls in the corner by me, one on my chair and...wait for it...I was in my uniform too! Fortunately she wasn't phazed by it however I take things as if you arrive with no warning then you can't expect people to change or put away things so you either accept even if puzzling or leave cos it's your space and you don't live in that to suit others ideas and that.
I've been continuing with trying to reduce portion sizes a little as two thick beefburgers and a plateful of rice really is too much before you add a substantial sweet into the picture as I wasn't created to be a walking waste food consumer and equally I've been continuing with regular daily exercising not least during the weekend as inactivity added to that excess food really doesn't do me any good healthwise.
That's what I couldn't understand as I'd eat quite a bit including a ton of candy at Littles Camp but actually lose weight by the end which leads me to the conclusion actually littles shaped movement I feel okay doing is the thing I need and nothing too focused on targets plus that really boring adult stuff.  Kinda more play in play mindset that functions as exercise if you will.
I've also been listening to a lot of piano music recently not just cos I like the music but actually I find listening to a piano very soothing emotionally getting lost in the peaceful mental scene.

1 comment:

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