Wednesday, September 26, 2018

In and out time

The weekend didn't have the best of starts because at a music site I frequent a seemingly throw away comment by one followed by a quotation from an interview lead to a situation where one person appeared to question the use of the phrase "To dabble" and then having explained that phrases meaning without making any kind of comment on the subject, I am subject to a personal attack supported by two others.
It was a text book situation where rather than discussing the subject, the person just goes for a personal attack.
I just decided to type back a short response to clarify I only posted explain the terms, no comment made on the subject and that was it. I could easily of said a whole lot more but thought better of it.
I woke up the Sunday morning to see a Alert tag on the site that usually says of someone has responded with a like or a reply to some post or other and when clicking on it found it was a note to say my post had gone due to this attack being reported with it plus all the discourse deleted.
I have been this week out for walks where it has been cooler than at the start of the month  but fresher which wakes it more enjoyable and the temperature at around 14 degrees C pleasant enough to be out just a thin waterproof walking jacket over a t shirt as I'm fairly warm blooded and soon get start generating heat when exercising.
I notice three sheep in the smallholding looking quite contempt grazing on the grass too which after everything else was a pleasant sight.
Sometimes I think the outdoors is better.

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