Monday, April 1, 2019

Mother's Day weekend

While the silliness in the groan up world continues unabated, yesterday when I was working away on writing this was over here, Mothering Sunday/Mother's Day which obviously meant that I got mine a card - pretty funny in an affectionate way actually - and a present.
There's something in the argument that thanks is best served frequently when it is often our Moms do things for us typically when they have other things to be doing to and it can be in the form of things we do for them but it's probably as well to have a focus for showing our appreciation such as a nationally recognized day.
That said I did channel my Inner Brownie too as I was doing things for the community such as delivering a magazine when I faced a pretty big challenge as making way around putting them in letter boxes I noticed a large temporary structure outside one property.
This structure on wheels with brakes started from the upper storey windows and came right to the ground totally obstructing access to the door and letter box being low and not having much height between the individual bits so I wasn't inclined to crawl under it to get to the door!
I started to think what I had on me as there didn't seem to be much activity so knocking on the rear door wasn't going to be an option and I had this idea that involved taking an elastic band the magazines had come bundled with, wrapping it around the magazine  which I could roll up into a tube shape and hooking that on the far end of the door handle.
There was just about a metre and a quarter I could just about stuck my hand through to get to the door handle so having rolled the magazine up and wrapped the band around it on the second go I got on and was able to pull it back toward me to make it secure.
A great example of resourcefulness and being prepared I'd say as I don't know many who'd go to that much trouble to deliver their magazine.

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