Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Back to school drama

That's Easter over with although I've only just joined the nom'ing after yesterday's bad head which wasn't helped by the grump who while doing something to do with his radio antenna decided to plow through the front door which opens inward right where I and Mommy were stood almost knocking is over.
His response to being asked to be careful next time and a Grrr from me is is to shout and slam the door staying in such a funk all day. I could easily of been seriously hurt and that's his response???
School resumes until the next break in early May which makes little sense but if my memory serves me right may day was added as a part Socialist nod by the then Labour Government in the late 1970's even though we have a bank holiday - Whit - in late May anyway which means no sooner than everyone gets back to the ways of school, then we're off again!
I had a ******* "your mail has been hacked"  email scam that purports to say they have control of my account and have pictures from a non existent webcam showing me enjoying unspecified content at unspecified sites and wanting bitcoins that unless I give them within 48 hours they'll send to contacts.
It's so fake fake fake you can find copies with just a different email address  sent to online  easily and never refers to any named account holder like me so it's obvious they really hold nothing.
That said this account is about eleven years old and apart from changing the password totally for safety because I know it was breached in a security breach involving two social media networks, I have established a new email at google mail which my tumblr, GT account and this blog use and to which my BFF now knows.
Parley Meant resumed so they can do nothing for a few weeks about the B word mess while getting paid for it too!

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