Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Why does this blog exist

It's sometimes a good idea to think about why it should be I actually have this blog when as you know I have accounts elsewhere like SN and SW as well as Tumblr although I do wonder why I bother at SW to be honest.
Part of the reason is Tumblr has an agenda that it pushes on users like putting posts in your stream it things you ought to read rather than anything that you yourself wish to that have a very pro PC bais.

If that were not enough it places restrictions on content  which were increased last year when anything deemed 'adult content' was formally banned

Adult Content as defined by Tumblr doesn't include age regression but it appears it is taking a hit where even outside of any relationship communities are being caught out by a system that appears to be ignorant of what it is banning.

Tumblr do regard  anything around Caregiver/littles as potentially adult and anything connected with spanking and other forms of discipline

lf only that were so things may not be so bad but there's other stuff going around connected to the use of Artificial Intelligence to save Tumblrs owners Automattic Inc money in moderating mainly with humans.

Thus because of those changes chunks of what I do like to talk about don't fit anymore at that site  so one function is to let me  let steam off around topics that they won't accept and talk about those bits of my life I no longer can there.

That said I'm mixing some more mainstream littles content in on here to partially cos it may be of interest to you and partially because it's where the reminder slots into neatly.

If I lost that account, this blog would still be here too 
 The thing is girls like me need caning to help us regulate our behaviour and get it so having a place where I it can be mentioned and discussed is a must.

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