Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The way it all goes post

It's been a jolly wet start to the week from Saturday, Sunday which was pretty decent to the depths of Monday when it rained all day on and off sometimes really heavily which really brings out the easily lashing side of me.
It's writing about that in conjunction with stuff about the other bits of my life what keeps this blog real! 

This life has reversals in for a reason so having a uniform to wear or if had to be anywhere to change into is one facet of my life from which all other things run from as we no longer have things running from a adult setting.

I love comic strips, always did but there's a lot of me in her fighting authority every inch and yet deep down craving it so as much as you feel like saying "You Beast" or something stonger, actually your glad to be under his control.

She may get away with wearing jeans but I'm in pinafore dresses and skirts, very the little miss who is reminded of why she needs handling this way, feeling better for everything such a life entails as unpleasant as the reminder is.

You'd never change it for anything else.

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