Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Getting the balence right


I'm slowly catching up after this long super hot period reduced me to a puddle of inactivity as it was so hot I struggled to even concentrate which as we all know was never my strong point.

I mean I could of got a degree in not concentrating and otherwise not paying any attention to anything although the usual way of dealing with that might of been too much for a Grown Up too as everyone seems to had struggled so it's not just an adult little girl thing!

She's showing a look I sometimes do, that of the "When is this gonna stop?"  look as you just carry on until think I've got the point with the sniffles, attempted apologies as your bottom is burning.

Sometimes you just have to go to that point to get us to make the change.

Respecting limits is sensible but you need to keep your senses open to gauge when you got far enough as to underspank can be as bad in its way as to go overboard we just cease to really take anything in.


  1. This was a lovely blog entry I found most interesting to read.
    I think when dealing with littles gauging how severely to spank if needed is a complex business when the little does cross the line.
    Firstly the little has to be aware of boundaries and a timely warning given with a reminder of likely consequences. If that fails its simply a case of ’you have been warned now its consequences time.' Then milderplan A consequences are deployed at an appointed time as earlier warnings, either maybe handspanking, lines or perhaps a mild slippering.Finally the subject will be dismissed with a reconciliatory dismissal but with the warning that if the behavioaur reoccuresit might mean plan B, the belt at bedtime or maybe the ultimate the cane at the weekend, meaning at an early Saturday bed. Often 7.30 p.m.

  2. She doesnt look under-spanked, and seems to be getting the message!
    B ;)
