Wednesday, March 1, 2023


Trying to find your way back to your little self after both the pause shortly after the start of the year and being surrounded by the cards plus phone calls regarding arrangements is hard going as much as I feel like just curling up half moon shape on the floor for some more tactile play or other suitable little interaction.

Sometimes it feels too much.

Paper dolls was one things I did like at the time, creating new looks and adventures armed with scissors.

Switch off, work with your imagination and just make something that may feature in play - that's always better with at least another person - in a different world.


Literally go back in time and dress more younger, perhaps in ways you have not in ages and let that side right out while colouring in princesses or perhaps watching something aimed at younger children, losing yourself in it.

To me that makes more sense apart from making the most of this years reduced opportunities to "play" with others after missing one last year resulted in missing out on all the others that had been decided.

Paws crossed for a few months time.

1 comment:

  1. Hope your feeling a little better. Never neglect who you really are. Sometimes we all need to shake off our adult world shell and escape to our inner self.
