Thursday, July 11, 2013

I miss my school days

 *Written for "Experience Project" July 17, 2013

For me it began with being given to the older girls at the age of 5 who'd old me by my arms and legs swinging me back and forth over the grass which with being physically in their hands I learned to trust other girls to take care of me. In time they taught me to play games with them all of which helped me to settle down into school with the more formal lessons, learning  what was required of me to learn about different subjects anew. For me it was a relatively carefree point in my life.
We did a great many physical things such as playing rounders, gymnastics, climbing, swinging from ropes like I was a monkey girl but one of the most fun things we did was to sit outside and draw, feeling the wind blowing through did quite a bit of reading both class based and also individual, having to give short accounts by the time we'd gone to secondary school of what we'd read to the class that proved to be most useful in public life as an adult.

By the time of my secondary school it was even more fun because I went to a boarding school so the adventures that started in the day often continued to at least lights out in the evening which included pillow fights.

There were times in my school life where I was in trouble seldom for anything really mean or obnoxious but for things like refusing to co-operate or being a cheeky monkey and one one occassion hitting another child. I was punished for these things usually by being spanked or on a few times caned but after having it, it was forgotten about with the slate being wiped clean.

I learned to hold my own and to care for others from those experiences because our school wasn't a place just to be little exam passers but also to help develop and shape our characters which was as well cos we had to leave for employment that was never quite the same.
To conclude, when I say I miss my school girl days what I miss is in part the people and adventures that were apart of that time, the lessons I learnt and above all probably the structure of our lives so carefully created by those who had our real interests at heart.

Responses : Naughtysusi July 21, 2013
I love this story simply because I am one who would also like to go back to the regulation and above all though security of school life. I would also love to be in this situation again and even live in an environment where if need be and within reason I got spanked or even caned on occasions. Some people might feel this life severe, but for my part although my schooldays were strictly regulated, as you say school life was governed by adults who cared and you got many opportunities to turn over a new leaf.
Well worth an occasional sharp whacking!
Suzi X

Comment: Although I did not say outright in this story, as anyone who has read this blog knows, I did and do want to go back to much of that regulation and security of school life and being a schoolgirl including being spanked or caned within reason whenever I mess up for no good reason.

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