Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Temporary classroom

File this under unscheduled entry but I just love this picture of what would of been a Nissan Hut converted into a classroom doing craftwork with Egg boxes before the photographer took the picture. 

The girl on the immediate right has the most infectious laugh that reminded me of the many times I giggled at school.

How much one would live to be in such a setting for a few days all over again.


  1. A lovely picture of how it was if you went to school 1950/60's. .Teachers could be strict but were also professional and caring. A lovely posting.

  2. Would you like to play O&P ?

    Oaks and Pines is an online role play game (Adults only)

    If you want to play a schoolgirl liable to have her knickers taken down for a spanking when misbehaving, or the teacher to be spanking her.
    If you love adventures, and making new friends.

    You should try to play O&P !

    If you are looking for a realistic online writing game.

    You should try playing O&P !

    For those who are willing to make the effort, their dreams will come alive!

    You should try playing O&P !

    If you are worried about your writing ability, don't! We do not care about your grammar! As long as you have the imagination to write you are a writer!

    Please visit our website:

    PS these days we are going to play field hockey...

    1. Dear friend, thanks for having approved our add
      B for Oaks and Pines online role play game
      Please join us!
