Saturday, January 2, 2016

The return of spanking in my life

Something started to happen just before the end of 2014 and really got going the following New Year and that was I had a Caregiver come into my life because to be very honest with you all I was struggling with chunks of my behaviour and attitudes not just to other people although that was bad enough but also they were really messing me up and I couldn’t stop it.
 So we discussed it and eventually worked out what I needed help in doing, what in me had to change and (and this is the big bugbear with that one person) just how all of this was to be enforced having consented to it.
Hidden behind a euphemism or two used elsewhere, it was agreed I am to be spanked for deliberate breaches of the rules we agreed to help my behaviour be they about taking personal responsibility in my domestic life like helping out, getting to bed at my bed time (cos I have one now), not dealing with important matters, bad language (it may surprise you but I can swear!) and not following through any assignments I am set by them.
So the year is been one where my smalls have been lowered and I’ve been spanked quite a bit by hand, hairbrush or paddle for breaches of the rules and, without naming names, other trusted people are doing likewise when I’m with them to help me change.
As an Adult in my life, You are to bend me, pull my knickers down and get on with the job of inflicting pain on my bottom, turning it red, making me tearful to reform my attitudes and behaviour. By doing so you are making me accountable and not before time making me grow up which I badly need.
This has been a major change in my life as outside of school or the odd playmates parents, I seldom got any meaningful discipline at all and that was like eons ago so learning to go over a knee and let my bottom be spanked, well it made me feel very little pretty much the middle in my school uniform.
For the first time in ages I was actually submitting to authority rather than telling it to eff off!!!
There’s no way anyone can say being spanked doesn’t hurt because that’s the entire point of it, it is meant to be unpleasant but I have really have adapted to it and the rituals, finding it comforting while at the same time it has had the necessary effect of deterring me from a good number things that are bad for me like using the internet to past three in the morning which earned me the biggest spanking of my life and -touch wood- has stopped that stone dead as it needed to be.
You see, for me (and everyone’s different), spanking is very good when combined with one on one practical support in helping me grow up, take more care of my own welfare and be responsible that other approaches tried in the past never achieved.

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