Wednesday, June 26, 2024

We have yet more to say

Hello there peoples we'd like to say a few things this today after making our appearance several years ago when things were different.

 Maisie talking here about the strange creature that lives here too called The Grump.

The grump has that name as it walks about with a loud thud, thud, thud  along the carpets and up the stairs at all hours of the day with really bizarre stories of dreamscapes or tales og things that woked him up.

Trouble is that wakes up everybody else.

Millie Bear here, He also has these odd ideas like he's dead untidy, never cleaning as he does things leaving bits of food here, bits of furry stuff there, testing strips and humongous piles of assorted letters and magazines complaining about giving the house a quick clean every week or possibly once.

It mutters if the slightest comic of owner is left out and yet she spends her time literally on her knees scrubbing the carpet, struggling to get back up removing mud and other thigs he's trod into the carpet
I know she saw this as drawn by TheLatestKate on Tumblr the other day and really that's the thing she know expected to do like don't  give up, don't think cos she struggles with her difficulties she can't try to do thing, putting up  with that Grump figure and just give things the best shot she can.
Do try to help her.

Regards Simba, Maisie and Millie

1 comment:

  1. Bless you, some people can make your life so difficult. Often they do not realise they do it. Love them anyway.
