Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Painted Black

Just when I thought things couldn't sink much lower I am dealing with some personal Tumblr drama that kicked off last Thursday when probably a bit worse for disturbed sleep I accidentally posted one (minor) spanking post on my regular Tumblr which resulted in one community mod shipping a cease and desist from using Community tag and without warning adding me to a blocklist of said community to whom I'd had no problems of belong before.
It's not that I don't disagree that was a breach of rules that I am responsible for so much that it was just a pure accident, the account changer box didn't respond so it was all tagged for as per Tumblr rules and regulations on the wrong account.  The first I realized something was wrong when I saw the message inbox indicate and It was a bit early for my caregiver.
The post was removed within an hour.
The thing I take issue with was not being asked to explain what happened, just presuming it was deliberate and that the message did not say anything about being put on a blocklist and to had been able to worked through a suitable apology to them.  Actually, it isn't that this group can't have *ahem* adult posts it's just they (rightly) go on a separate blog and if that is one the same account then there is a chance of the same thing happening to them. Indeed one person did but they were given the chance to start a fresh new account for the group.
Could I of been offered a period to show this would not occur again and to have taken some agreed steps to prevent such a slip up instead of a very public block listing?
I can't speak for many but for me at least such things do bring a strong sense of shame and mortification, you do realize what you did and how it may effect others, indeed I haven't had much sleep over it and its repercussions being extremely upset over it.
Instead it seems they would sooner leave me in a tormented mental state, pacing the floor, having some really dark thoughts.

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