Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Partial remakes

There are still the rumblings on around getting ready for next month's events having finally gotten my quiz printed off as it seems some inexpensive paper crinkled the way that damp magazines can and caused it to jam.
That means it and the prizes can be put together ready that only leaves ordering my train tickets once it is clear the person I will be with can stop the extra day because if that were so I'd be given a lift to nearest rail station to make my own way home rather than booking a return to their place.
I have been working a bit on the second tumblr like changing the avatar over although I still feel a large chunk for why it existed no longer exist because the very reason it was started on that account was down to the inherent risks of having a blog that may reference the odd 18+ topic on a sfw account and that that wasn't permitted in age regression communities.
I have decided to remake a chunk of it fresh tas an alt sfw account just for legal adults  who regress because sometimes it's a help to be free from the squabbles that can break out on the other and I don't need much more  other than the messaging to be honest from it.
The trouble with 'adult services' tumblr alternatives is very much the company you keep and trying to keep a sfw dash in such an environment.

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