Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Assessment Two done (and hopefully fixed)

Today is a day after a Employment and Support Allowance face to face assessment which was quite late in getting started as they arrived with notionally only fifteen minutes in a two hour slot remaining and with a hungry migraine ridden me feeling nauseous yawning my head off.
Ideal test conditions, what?
I had worked out this wasn't a suspected benefits fraud appointment but the lack of procedural appropriate communication wasn't helpful which reduced the options to periodic review with seven days notice cos we can or a post Sept 2017 look into whither having accepted you can't be supported or retrained into work easily actually you haven't a hope in hell of EVER doing so and so save them reassessing you periodically.
Fun started when the person who was a bona fide Doctor working for the company asked me to fill out an evidence form to say I had proved I was me so I had Mom fill it out as I can scarcely  bloody well write with a pen and just put a squiggle in the signature box as my hands were off.
That helped!
He then asked for my many and overlapping medical conditions so I gave him print out  of them that was in the April 2017 form and showed him my medication
I then spotted something familiar, the WCA50 form I'd got done a paragraph a day from that year so it obvious what the game was - assessment on a two and bit year old form - that as it happened I had a copy of key bits of and knew back to front having revisit it to reword for the PIP claim I was forced to make a few months back.
So he just explored not questioning each bit so I just went back over tossing examples with prompts from my folks (who tossed some stuff in back up the shortly word but chilling descriptions of how I'm severely disabled and how I need tons of help with all the why bits ticked and added).
As I was migrained out we skipped standing and walking just testing grip, arm, neck, leg muscle strength) which I was 100% confident would confirm what I had said there are clear and real limits and weaknesses showing him my inflamed shaking paws that would match a medical diagnosis.
He then left.
I'm reasonably confident the claim for ESA will stand and have met the phrases ("Descriptors"  for being treated as untrainable and supportable for work and quite likely to remain the same forever as it can't improve over time and isn't responsive to any upcoming treatment.

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