Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The curious case of the Tumblr DNI message

Tumblr has its plus's and minus's which after just under seven years I am well used to but at the weekend I received a communication which was a bit off which basically implied I'd broken someones interaction limits and asked me to both discontinue following them and remove any reblogged posts.

It was odd as when I went to click on it, I found they had deactivated that account, yes like they 'cared' to communicate an action but then made it impossible to act because by deactivating they had ceased automatically to be followed as you cannot follow something that doesn't exist.

Anyway looking into it actual content was not an issue, two posts one of a series of wedding dress pictures from an agency and the other a  simple block print of children upright in playing poses totally safe for work and child safe.

Their objection was  the original poster had put CG/l tags on it which didn't show up when I reblogged them four years ago which one as deactivated so they couldn't have interaction against their wishes as they were no longer there and the other had been inactive for three years so clearly had moved on.

Now if they'd of asked me to remove them, I'd of  done that  I removed a lot in the Fall of 2016 but these two didn't either because the posts didn't show up or in the many overlaid changes in Tumblrs blogging tools something had been broken.

Point is an understandable objection to certain tags regardless of actual content is one thing but in reality they faced no threat and the terse note was more more triggering for me given some the stuff that happened in my life and a simple request would of been respected.

The funny thing is three weeks ago the Kidhearts agreed to interaction and all they expect members to do these days if you do blog from a source that isn't is to remove it after a polite request and they were the strictest on these things than any group in Age Regression.

Then as they have got themselves sorted, on the other side of age regression we have individuals pursuing crusades in a illogical and intimidatary fashion.

Seeing it's only two months and 190 posts off of 10,000 posts I decided to rebrand it  totally from Url, avatar. and header as the last one was from late December 2016 and the hot water i was in then with a certain group.

I am not prepared to have some individual on an ill-considered  whim attack me and my integrity on a white knight crusade for brownie points.

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