Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Is there a place for the Adult Age Regressor

Sometimes  back to places at the bequest of a friend can bring some matters back into focus such as the differences between terminology between Age Regression and Age Play cos in some respects we tend not to fit in so well with Age Play groups not that I'm saying anything against individuals at all but sometimes long for places free from those eighteen or under from the drama and need to be super careful about not messaging them least anyone make out you were doing things you shouldn't (even if like me you just wouldn't) and teen spats.

For us being Little means being child-like in the mindset of a child even if legally we're adults acting upon those feelings and emotions as if we were that child again all (emotional) age appropriate.

The thing we find is Age play communities tend to go with kink such as BDSM and they seem to see a Little as a Submissive in a power dynamic to a Dominant  whole very much rules the roost often involving submissive gains with props, some of which do inflict pain and frequently a sexual side that is controlling.

Of course it need not be all like that, everyone is an individual, but the online version in particular seems to lack any protective,nurturing sides with empathy more a power trip mutually agreed to.

For us while there are Caregivers, those people are about providing the stability, guidance and love that perhaps we didn't get when we were younger or because of trauma or abuse we find loving ourselves and trusting others so much more the harder even if some situations they may chastise us (by consent).

Age Play communities often don't really want us around and trying to find places that do like over 18 age regressors who may prefer time with legal adults and who may have meetings and the like going on seems so hard at times.

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