Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Bits of Little Related stuff

 There are a couple of things on my mind and they do kind of connect of which one is really about what we call milestone ages, the ones society feels are like super important and so put a lot into marking such as your 18th birthday and say your fortieth.

Recently a friend who had made the chronological four-zero really found themselves really upset to feel they'd ceased to be young and it has harder to hide being more of a child in some ways when people think you're an aunt or uncle to a child.

The thing you to remember is not just is that age is just a number but also appearance as it applies to notions of age differs - some look a good decade or more younger and others conversely may look older and really that child-like you in middle will always be there no matter how many years elapse from your actual birth.

The other thing is I'm just not happy with how my blog is going at **sml cos like Tumblr there's a reblogging culture but recently I found over 100 reblogs just blocked going right back to 2019, many with own thoughts and commentary on them that in their words were found to breach their rules or had been deleted.

Given from the start they always were deleting stuff that wasn't okay on a "adult site" it seems odd you'd find that many new ones to remove and that perhaps they are thinking they can monitarize posts by wiping anything that may get in the way of getting people who do commercial photoshoots although some 80% at least is reblogs from the well known spanking related companies.

Spanking frankly is the only reason I got an account there following the Tumblr purge of November and December 2018 and yet keeping a well curated blog being ultra cautious on content given they took out a picture of child's toy on a post around age regression with no child present.

And Age Regression and CG/l are the elephants in that sites room as they don't easily fit into post 2018 Tumblr for being too near Adult Content and yet appear to be too close to actual child interests even if you do keep actual children out of any images posted.

For us Spanking posts can and and do live next to say dollies, colouring and "little girl" or "little boy" styled outfits that we may wear as legal adults.

I just wonder of keeping one updated is worth the effort when I'm not always well.

1 comment:

  1. I feel sorry if you are not well and think I understand how things must be very frustrating for you. Hang in there and be who you are.
