Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Confidence and true motives


While the country adapts to this weeks political changes I'm going with a different  topic altogether.

One thing that causes many of us problems is the lack of confidence in ourselves which may be around active steps we take or just what we draw from other peoples reactions  that may have little really to do with what we've done.

Many of us can recall that advice we got, often from mothers or grans to try to be friendly and be nice around people around us no matter what they may say or do and yet it seems we are ignored or misjudged.

We may think it's about how we ourselves present or somehow we don't cut it in the looks department but is it that?

The more times around the sun I travel, the more I feel this is often with the person themselves, how nothing and nobody ever meets their expectations and our kindness isn't seemingly enough however hard we try.

While not falling into the trap of overvaluing ourselves, perhaps instead we should stop expecting others to notice but just try to be our best selves more for acting right for pure reasons is better standard rather than kickbacks?

1 comment:

  1. A wise argument. Such a pity more people do not comment on your writing.
