Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What is a Middle

I am what is commonly called in the wider age-play and related World as Middle with a little side which means in everyday terms I have the sort of Headspace, emotions and thoughts more in common with actual children and for me it's more around 12 ish.
In general terms Littles and Middles notwithstanding what they need to do studying or at work, pursue hobbies and interests that  are routed very much in their own experiences in 'childhood'  coming from their 'Inner Child' often with the same intensity and passion that you'd think it was that' child' playing.
Sometimes you may play, draw or maybe colour by yourself or you may meet with others who share the same sense of being 'forever a child' in that sense be it around peoples own homes or by meeting up at venues which are often discrete as unfortunately sometimes families and employers getting completely the wrong idea either disown you or find some reason to fire you not least in some 'sensitive' posts and that's before we bring in the Tabloid press.
For some it begins and ends with just 'the play' for others it may extend into dressing more like the age of the 'child within' while do so with say dresses that wouldn't be far removed  from that of a young girl at a party or play clothes like dungarees or for some of us school wear (and in the UK at least school wear is very much associated with childhood in the form of formal uniforms).
I have a blog which is around this aspect of being a middle while this is really more centred around my emotions and behaviour, how that taps into parent style oversight and what I see as the need for the spankies of my Junior years to return in this whole age-play little/middles life of mine.

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