Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Wednesday ramblings

While the countdown continues toward Christmas following some discussion at FA I thought I'd set down my thoughts.

Everyone does this thing different which can make co-existing on some sites problematic because you can fall between two stools.

Fundamentally I am very much a age regressor, a person who goes back to the time and in real time instincts of my childhood a girl who plays and goes to school where things evolve through just being in of that state of mind in real time with no script, no discussion of what any *scene* might include.

School may not for obvious reasons be a actual school but would involve real studying with lessons being taught  and as I'm in England the wearing of a uniform cos practically all children wear on to school that is proscribed for you.

It's a totally fetish free, non sexual non bdsm thing with no power exchange suited for those of us who developmentally are more like children and do have vulnerabilities that could be exploited by predatory adults. 

What can complicate it I am the product emotionally of the era of cp in the home and at school where that was just part of childhood, it didn't have the bdsm connections people assume today - it was often the go to discipline we had.

Because of that, spanking can feature if by the standards of that era it is what you'd of been given - not pre-arranged or asked for in advance just cleared in case its needed so consent is there.

That additional element tilts things as some adult site won't take the whole "as a child" side with spanking as they see that as adult content (and I was spanked from early childhood so for me its anything but) while more minor friendly site understandably don't want any content of that sort not least when official attitudes have changed and it may be illegal for it to be used today.  

For me then it's age regression with the spanking of my childhood included.

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