Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Accidents or just carelessness?

We are approaching Christmas which is where I tend to take a break from blogging at various sites and on here simply because there are plenty of things that need to be done before Christmas Day and that eats into the time.

Time and its usage has to have been an honest issue with me for years as for one thing I tend to get easily distracted and drawn into things other than what I originally intended to do that really could wait and on others it's been too easy to let someone else do something that I could of done that would of helped them out.

I wrote a few years back about spillages and breakages because all too often in the past they were ignored and excused because I am more prone to them being un-coordinated.

That rather ignored such things like I need to learn to do things in a more slower, careful way, that by doing that I put myself and anyone passing at risk of injury and that breakages that are the result of carelessness are not accidents and require me to be given consequences and made to put them right.

Spanking me firmly on the spot does help to get that over, to think first before doing things and has helped together with talking about how I can do better sharing tips and examples.

Just shrugging the shoulders doesn't really help.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely knickers... and your friends saw it all !
    Please read my latest story Aunt Roberta, and you are dared to do the spelling bee test!
    More to come on Saturday...
    B :)
