Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Pasts memories and revelations

It is warmer if a little breezy as I type this entry out after morning playtime where this weeks Beano has already arrived ready for me to read, laughing my socks off but there was related post that probably wouldn't work on the main blog.

You see Minnie as anyone who ever really read that blog would understand was the cartoon heroine of mine, tomboyish, tends to get in trouble, sometimes defiant but full of spirit that nothing can ever crush.

It isn't uncommon for a cartoon strip to mirror the world of the reader and for many of us television shows where you would write in asking to do, see or meet people that would otherwise be 'in your dreams' were things we watched.

In the era I lived, one such show was "Jim'll Fix It" shown on Saturday tea times on BBC1 which boys and girls often did, sometimes for them and their friends other times perhaps for others who they felt would appreciate such a gesture.

What that strip in the short lived A5 extended story strip Beano Comic Library alludes to is because of the sheer number of requests we would feel the need to go to great lengths for our request to stand out, have our moment of fame amongst our friends and meet the presenter.

Minnie in the whole strip did tons of things to do to get on the show such was the allure and much the same applies even today to getting otherwise difficult to get access and that has it's risks even though protocols involving children and vulnerable people are much better than they were.

As you'd expect of someone who worked in the field in this country I am sadly only too well aware of the allegations widely held to be true regarding that shows host regarding historic abuse not defending for a split second his actions.

I do have to be honest however and say it the show had us transfixed and we all loved it being a memory in our childhood we adored which like a few others was been tainted by things we leaned about much later on.

To me you can hold on what you loved about the show without condoning all that came out decades later.

Your childhood memories are just that. The memories of the time you recall.

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