Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Cane

Life can seem a bit odd when it is that some high school children in the era of corporal punishment were moved to protest it.
Yet others held counter demonstrations supporting it fearing that standards would drop and the school corridors would be a no go area for any kid who was just that bit different.

Personally I felt it only impacted on those who would of incurred some other sanction that might of dragged things out and it wasn't that most of us didn't get spanked cos over 90% of us then did at home or at other family members places especially for reported bad behaviour or poor school reports.

Perhaps then it's no so much of a coincidence that in this life of mine somethings remain.
I'm usually relieved to be informed I'm in for the spanking or six of the best simply because as painful as it is, the situation and I have been corrected and it's all over with feeling the cane teasing my bottom before it makes it's decisive impact.


  1. I don't want to see schools go back to hitting children for discipline. It teaches them a bad lesson: that it's okay to hit people to get your way. Let them wait until they are adults and can consent to it on their own.

  2. Some of those skirts are too shorts !
    B :)
