Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Treetops school as a concept began on a short lived website of mine around 2012 and took on a life of its own last year with a series of stories featuring people I was in contact with who shared a similar outlook on the no longer existing Tumblr and perhaps with a few changes, will return on this account.
The basic premise of Treetops was it was set in a fictional school in South Staffordshire in a big rambling former hall of which there are fair number and converted into school for Adult Middles with a suitable middle backstory, who were struggling with life and learning be it ‘real’ schools, college or  University or whatever.
Part of the reason they were struggling was that the had very much for real a ‘Middle headspace’  that was their normal one so not only did they not relate to other adults as adults, from the inside they were not, being children of around 12 upward who simply could not cope with adult expectations and critically needed the structure of traditional girls school.
Treetops was a place that offered them a second chance because it respected their being adult middles, allowing them to express themselves while at the same by effectively putting them back in school, it provided the very structured life they needed as well the chance to improve on their formal education.
Every Treetops adult Middle ‘child’ has to wear a full per-determined school uniform with only a few exemptions that they are given as needed, there is a house system which every girl is assigned, and Prefects to encourage the girls to exercise responsibility for themselves and to ensure other girls do the same
Treetops provided them with personal support and guidance that went beyond academic education, covering social and life skills as many had struggled with these that to get by around the Adult World they needed  to grasp.
Treetops also understood something fundamental about most adult middles, which is often they struggle with behavioral norms, don’t get subtle hints and more ‘grown up’ ways of disciplining them so they agreed to be given strict corporal punishment instead which often works better at making long term changes for the better to their attitudes and behaviour in their work and personal relationships.

This would start from slapping of legs and hands, through spanking to like Jo here, having the cane with many finding it not only helped with learning appropriate attitudes but with being in an appropriate sense of place being held to account in suitably child-like way. Treetops middles truly appreciated this even if some big wigs in the Adult World had issues with it, because it works for them.
In some ways them it was more a cross between an enlightened, progressive Reform School and Malory Towers, which as far as the girls were concerned was the bestest place to be.

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