Wednesday, June 12, 2024

1989 round up

Just relaxing a bit this morning after a rather busy Monday as I type this weeks entry up trying to avoid political back and forth as two be honest I don't feel the two main parties really have much of a clue on how to tackle the current main issues.

Anyway two years after general election a few decades back was really when much of this really started to come together having realized I hadn't really left school even if definitely walked out of the gate when during a period between jobs I was at a careers advice appointment when looking through the window I saw a playground and my mind shot back to school recess.

That was always the thing with me, the sense my head was in space that was much younger than what my peers were and that really I never had a sense of really relating to older children never mind any adult later on.

No, what I seemed to be stuck in and have a need to be as just being able to live more at my own rather child-like level so apart from buying things like Gordon the Gopher from Children's BBC to play with I began to experiment more around dressing younger whenever I could which was easier given I was a bit thin with girls hoodies and even school uniform.

I just felt more at one with who I was, liking the me in the mirror rather than glancing at an imposter who felt she was just acting out a role all the time.

1989 was when I started ti get back to being myself.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog, I'd like to know more about your real, ,"coming of age."
