Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Tidying up the past and a nod to the future


After a better weekend at least as far as the weather goes with sunshine and pleasant warm temperatures we are back to cool and decisively damp weather with it bucking down outside as I type this.

So you might well ask apart from vibrating the walls and floorboards with heavy blues influenced  music have I been doing?

The answer has to be sorting out chunks of the main blog which having a long eighteen year history was rather messy in places from the days of "Treacle" the legendary Windows XP desktop that run some sites as if you were running across a lake of it, intermittent connections and very limited use of images of any sort.

So posts lack graphics that would of helped, sometimes posts never got made as the connection conked out on you even though I have in diaries the ideas I had planned for that week and the odd post needed an update.

I've spent the time working on that across the week, a bit at a time, old diaries out with paper to sequence them in the way they were meant to be back then and it looks great talking about a variety of things that mattered then and differing ways now still do.

Posts here have been a bit different for a bit, going more with a hotline to emotions, thoughts and feelings journaling than the past simply cos I feel the need to just let things out between the more everyday stuff of an eternal adult school girl.

And that feels better.

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