Wednesday, October 24, 2018


It's been a pleasant week to be out enjoying this sunny patch in The Fall this week in the open air which I wrote a bit about on Monday because really the more time out spent out in the open the better things are.

In someways it is going back to how things before more sophisticated hobbies and trying to appear 'grown up' used to be when I'd be out  until I'd had enough or it was a meal time being active and to be honest even though I'd never been super fit, I was fitter then and that had a lot to do with it I think.

Connected with that was having spend sometime sorting out a few socks as I found a long bowed pair were no longer paired being mixed with another when I went to put them on the other morning .

Fortunately unlike normally when I end up having to buy yet another three pack of socks I found the missing ones and re-paired each one up again as at this time of year it's the long socks I need on (or thick tights).

Truthfully you cannot remove for me spanking as a actual need as a built part of this life even though I don't go on and on about here and on the marginally more groan up Tumblr because for one thing I started to have too many just interested in that and not actually in me as a whole person and also I am much more than just a canvas for spanking.

I just feel better for say being caned when I mess up compared to any amount of scolding and that so sticking that in with (having to) wear a uniform is great for me.

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