Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A message coming in spare moment


Golly, a week away with the girls where playing a street tough you do to deal with males can just drop so we get to be as cutesy as we feel on the inside with our plushies, pretty bows and pretty shorter skirts and dresses on.

You get the opportunity talk about and even release feelings and emotions that are in you without anyone thinking you're so weak and vulnerable they'd take advantage.

You get back to doing what you're best at, playing, baking things for fun, running around playing sports, being in the moment.

I don't do social media and that while away cos I'm just being little me, sometimes silly, sometimes needing sharp reminder about what I'm doing but it's okay.

It's really about honouring and respecting your inner little self.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Do we really belong here?

There will be a pause next week I think simply for being away and so not with chromebook and you really cannot type up droves of posts for blogs to cover that period while getting ready to go away with all the packing and the regular weekly activities and that.

There is one topic I keep coming back to which is around age identity and from that what really is appropriate because if you are very much a person to whom sexually or other kink based interests apply (like bdsm) then it's quite straightforward.

You may role play an age in a context, say DD/lg reflecting a point that for you you wish to return to in the context of that and any relationships but you still ultimately see yourself as, and identify with, your age as recorded on your birth certificate.

You are also quite likely to have the adult adeptness to handle adult content sites connected with that.

And that is okay.

I seldom if ever feel adult, although I know the law says I own consequences for actions I commit as one and never identify as an adult (I could have written this in my teen easily).

I struggle with tasks that require adult levels of comprehension and seeing what is coming next so does it make sense at all for me to have a presence on any adult site that has lead to issues around bullying, presumed overt sexual interests and what not?

In the ideal world, I will be blunt and say, No.

The problem comes for me in that a small portion of me, a portion that in childhood featured the threat and delivery of spankings that still runs through that perception of how I see me is a topic that (understandably)
today cannot be mentioned in child safe places (heck references to it often get removed in republished children's literature).

That only leaves adult sites as places I can talk about and with people and then sometimes they won't allow you to reference any however briefly that occurred as a child at that time and we'd all agree mentioning that of actual children in the modern world isn't right (and attracts bad sorts).

And those places are the ones I struggle with, cos beyond this one subject, I really don't belong in scenes that going by any assessment of my emotional intelligence would show I'm too young for.

I'm just wondering if really leaving such spots for good might not be the most sensible thing for someone like myself.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Adding to disciplining a Middle

Discipline is not a cut to the chase, apply implement to  the middle in question affair, it involves things like scolding, helping the middle process why it’s happening and can use non cp techniques to deepen the experience to help us learn from it. It’s why you do it to us.

Making you feel shamed is an useful part of discipline for a  Middle  and need not involve nudity such as making you stand facing forwards with you knickers  down to your knees which is like super embarrassing if people may see you and uncomfortable enough if they can’t.

It's worth while trying more of that with me.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Caught in the act!

While the rest of the planet is into post election stuff, scumbag Putin's latest attempt win the Global Most Barbarous Act 2024 Award and a certain football competition in Germany, I'm getting more personal here.

Changed times mean changed realities and the attempt to keep up with the daily drama and given you're the only one left on the spot to deal with it all all to often leads to a situation you just feel merged into that person.

 It just goes around and around and that's before they gaslight you for being as white as a sheet with chest pains, severe pain at the top of left arm, blacking out and dizziness accusing you of trying to make them feel guilty as if you'd seriously put something on that ideally you need to be getting immediate assistance with?

It's certainly not that you have, I have, any issue with caring but it seems very much a onesided show.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Moving on


Hi Hi folks, here we go with another entry after last week's offering and its comments so thank you very much for that because we are working towards a wider range when comes to topics that I post about on here.

That's around the many changes that have occurred in my life over the years, changes in the extent to which some things that interested me the have changed and the belief that working through my emotions journalling  makes more sense.

Ducks and Swans have been a favourite thing of mine to just sit out and watch, be they in a parkside lake or like in this picture I took recently, swimming on our local canal.

  Generally I tend to favour using a telezoom because you can move from something like a duck or swan  capturing it and its reflection to more of a portrait at the twist of the zoom range rather than having to change from a 90mm to 210mm fixed length lens.