Sunday, August 25, 2013


This bank holiday weekend, a friend of mine and a mutual friend who have a interest in school girl role play and writing short stories about it at a site are meet up and talk about it together which may lead to spending more time together.
One area we've talked about are the implements used  and being in 'period' uniforms which we could get disciplined in. In a very real way being spanked in uniform is a desire I have but less from a sexual fetish erotic angle but more a re-run of actual schooling in my real sense of gender.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The needs of littles

I'll begin this entry by first of all thanking the current 18 followers of my Tumblr which isn't a replacement for my blog just a place where random posts that wouldn't of necessarily fitted in here go and a place where between us there's an exchange of ideas and points of view around being a little or perhaps more accurately for me , a middle where we're not bashing each other.
As one unfortunate side of  being me is I have migraines frequently, this is being typed in advance as I sense one come on and I'll polish it after being out of commission for a few days.
That takes me to the start of this piece which is that many littles, me included, need a sense of routine around our lives in order to feel secure emotionally being neither lost in world that might appear to be quite random or worrying be that the worry of not knowing what'll happen next or the worry of strange situations and people.
Actually most people do have set routines that they feel the need to complete usually around say eating routines such as getting up and having a round of toast and coffee not thanking you for changing it, but can deal with re-ordering events reasonably well which if you've ever been stuck in an airline terminal for hours you'll understand. It's just rather more intense for a good number of us. The world is out of control and we can't stand it! For me such things as colouring, school work, playing and so on all help to keep me calm.
Routine does almost invariable lead us into structure and while it's generally agreed most folks need some structure -changing the day structure around as people who work night shifts do creates issues - generally speaking for most adults they can create their own structures, for a number of us we're lost without one being in place, knowing such things as who is doing what, what are we exactly to do and who is in charge that for some of us is critical because we respond better for being in situations where effectively we're told we're now going to do this now rather than being relied upon to somehow read the unspoken signs.
It's hardly surprising therefore that for a number of us we miss greatly the structure of school to the point whereby we may role play it and that's indicative of  a need I feel.
Positive reinforcement comes in to as I suspect for a whole host of reasons: a number of  us have issues around self esteem, feeling less than confident in our abilities needing that  encouragement, that we're fine, what we're doing is okay turning out fine and as people we're good. Fortunately I get a lot of that in the workplace that helps when I'm battling with insecurities and can see if I was in relationship I'd need 'grooming' taking you back to that "That's a good girl stage".
To me these are among some of needs we have and are critical to be meet for our well-being  for me personally coming to terms with them has been a great help rather than just denying their existence.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Post lesson rest in the common room

We're taking a break after the end of the school day reading our  favourite magazines in the upper school but we still have to wear school uniform.
There was a bit of kurfuffle at my school around this point as some wanted as they say it the right to wear home clothes after school and those who didn't.
Personally I preferred to wear uniform because we were at school and the staff were our parents in effect when it come to looking after and having everyday responsibility over us so them having us in it seemed reasonable and some kids at day school would wear their uniforms after school say when doing homework anyway.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


This post is for sweetiemissmimi, luna and those of us from different communities with disabilities.  
One of my favourite maxims is "everyone is different" and one way in which we are different is in our life circumstances.
It is unfortunate that there seems to be an increase in the prejudice subjected to people who have disabilities from many directions apart from the still lingering outmoded attitudes toward having disabilities in general.
Those of us who have physical disabilities may get around in a number of ways and may even be multimodual: we may 'walk' but slowly, holding onto objects, use walking aids such as crutches and walking frames or wheelchairs to get about.

The critical thing is our aids give us the means of getting around - usually by ourselves - we aren't confined or limited by them even if those who are not still persist in needlessly creating less accessible environments  .
The nature of some disabilities is that conditions do fluctuate so we may alternate modes which isn't a reason to start tut tutting or accusing us of being fakes just because we don't meet your idea of what being disabled is. After all not having the life what would a good number of you really know?
People who exhibit ME for instance may not look that they have a physical disability but ME is physically disabling making it very tiring to get about.
Because we have disabilities also  means we may need to adapt what we wear to avoid  for instance getting things stuck in the spokes of your wheels, so spare us your "You ain't doing it right", "You can't be a lolita" or more offensively "You can't be pretty, you're just a cripple" crap. Fashion has always had a practical side adapting to needs and shock horror disabled models for the fashion industry does exist showing their genuine beauty off.
Some of us work (employed or voluntary), some of us are studying up to and including degree levels, some may not be able to do either and all of us are trying to get on making the most of our lives living it in way more conductive to our needs.
Some of us have varying learning disabilities or what are broadly called  mental health needs and generally we'll let you know if it is we need you to step in or remind us about any medication we're on.
Talking specifically about me, my own take on it is I never ask to have my disabilities with the many limitations they do place on me but given they have, my alg lifestyle is more suited to me as I can cope much better when I'm in a more child like headspace as I struggle with much else.

Photo credit ""

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday in the park

Stardate August 3rd 2013

Susie woke up this morning, yawning as she washed and got dressed ready for breakfast at 8AM for today was Saturday, a day when school was closed but nonetheless home tuition was on offer for she and her friend struggled with French in Form 1EB of St Mary's, a high school for girls in Nuneaton, in the English Midlands. Aunt Joan insisted upon it and as Joanne's parents, struggling to meet the Term Fees also were rather concerned with Jo's grades had kindly accepted Joan's offer to pay, at weekends she was to stay the night there.

This naturally meant Joanne was subject to Auntie Joan's very strict rules, far stricter than her own parents ever would be although secretly she longed for some clear boundaries. Like Susie she had to put on her full school uniform for Miss Winters, the French tutor, making sure everything was properly fastened and that her shoes were spotless.

After three hours of verbs, completion of sentences and reading aloud where Susie was warned that persistent giggling would be reported if she didn't stop that very minute, they tucked into Fish Fingers, peas and chips followed by Chocolate Moose being accompanied by Auntie.
Joanne asked if they go out for the afternoon to the park as it was a bright sunny day. "Yes certainly" said Auntie Joan "but you really must be back for Afternoon Tea" she added before going on to say "On no account are either of you to get involved with rough boys otherwise you'll have me to answer too".

They both got changed out of their uniforms for summery dresses with short white ankle socks and flat heeled shoes and took a couple of books out with them to read resting their backs against the bark of the trees whose foliage provided much needed shade that day.

Walking back at a quarter to four they were just on the path leading to The Lodge where Joanne saw Ice Cream van and started jumping up and down saying "Go on, let's have an Ice Cream each" but then realized she'd left her purse behind, not that there was much in it. Susie turned around and said "Look, I have some money on me  and I can always earn a bit more on my paper round to make it up". With that Susie bought Joanne and her a 99 each with two chocolate flakes and strawberry juice which thay ate skipping back to Auntie Joan's just in time for Cucumber sandwiches, scones and tea.