Saturday, January 3, 2015

Year Zero for Jo

So 2014 has been and gone.
New years usually lead to talk of New Year Resolutions and goals and for me this year it's gonna be different 
Because my behaviour and attitudes are causing problems for me and especially to others, this week marks the first in the year where a combination of age-play, caregiver/little relationships and strict corporal punishment are coming into my life.
Something needs to happen with and TO me to move me on as for years I have failed to leaving me neither a fully independent mature adult nor a responsible child leaving me stuck in the worst of all worlds.
This Christmas, I had to buy new paddle for my Mentor  to be used on me from now on to keep me on track.
I'm on an accountability program with a Mentor where I have to submit reports connected that that weeks aims.
My stack of cards not least the disability one has been removed from the pack I could play or count on others letting me of for although any physical restrictions on what I may be to do will be respected.
If I fail it's gonna strike my bared ass making it all red, blustered and stinging hard for days as attempt to sit down as a long reminder of my poor behaviour and to help cure me of my motivational issues and there's the possibility of a clothes brush or slipper too.
I'm going to given these:

There is a agreed 'roll back' where He will have authority over me and I shall be junior Jo with him, required to present in my uniform to him, be scolded and have my bottom bared by him just like a child with no real authority.
I am the naughty child and He's the adult who is going to hold me accountable for my bad behavior. I  will have no say in the matter. No control over my punishment  as he will determine it from what we've agreed before. All I can do is accept the painful consequences wishing I had done better.  

 It's intended to be painful, embarrassing and unpleasant for me to teach me right from wrong and that there are consequences for naughty behaviour.

It's all set out in a contract  with all the sanctions and even the possibilities of extra paddling if I get three sanctions in a row although there are rewards in there too as my mentor would sooner reward me if my behaviour justifies it.

This year is not going to be the same as last year or the years before because I am to be  spanked just like a naughty child in a firm  consistent parental style he recognizes I need.
It will be a hard unpleasant year where I will have to adapt to the same sorts of rules and expectations as everyone else, I will have to learn to change the behaviour that will earn me my spanking because it is ME that has to change, not you or the rest of society.

I Understand. There Will be NO GOING BACK. You WILL spank my bottom whenever You feel the need to from now on.
It's why far from feeling sorry for me wanting to spare me this, you need to be encouraging and supporting me to change to be as responsible as you and reminding me I have choices that bring me consequences.

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