Wednesday, June 26, 2024

We have yet more to say

Hello there peoples we'd like to say a few things this today after making our appearance several years ago when things were different.

 Maisie talking here about the strange creature that lives here too called The Grump.

The grump has that name as it walks about with a loud thud, thud, thud  along the carpets and up the stairs at all hours of the day with really bizarre stories of dreamscapes or tales og things that woked him up.

Trouble is that wakes up everybody else.

Millie Bear here, He also has these odd ideas like he's dead untidy, never cleaning as he does things leaving bits of food here, bits of furry stuff there, testing strips and humongous piles of assorted letters and magazines complaining about giving the house a quick clean every week or possibly once.

It mutters if the slightest comic of owner is left out and yet she spends her time literally on her knees scrubbing the carpet, struggling to get back up removing mud and other thigs he's trod into the carpet
I know she saw this as drawn by TheLatestKate on Tumblr the other day and really that's the thing she know expected to do like don't  give up, don't think cos she struggles with her difficulties she can't try to do thing, putting up  with that Grump figure and just give things the best shot she can.
Do try to help her.

Regards Simba, Maisie and Millie

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Spanking therapy?

Been a bit of a busy weekend with Father's Day and what have you and so between the showers outside thoughts drifted to that thing which happens, the sometimes conflicted feelings and just what it is you get out of it beyond reinforcing a rule or lesson.

That was an interesting piece of research as I had noticed personally that there had been times where I felt much better in myself after a spanking whatever may of brought it on and any other part of a corrective process such as putting a situation right.

Obviously consideration has to be taken to ensuring any marks and that do heal up properly to avoid any injuries but it does make me wonder wither or not just being given a spanking if say I'm down in the dumps might not be a bad idea.

 Now that kind of order may just make this a "good spanking".

Any thoughts?

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

1989 round up

Just relaxing a bit this morning after a rather busy Monday as I type this weeks entry up trying to avoid political back and forth as two be honest I don't feel the two main parties really have much of a clue on how to tackle the current main issues.

Anyway two years after general election a few decades back was really when much of this really started to come together having realized I hadn't really left school even if definitely walked out of the gate when during a period between jobs I was at a careers advice appointment when looking through the window I saw a playground and my mind shot back to school recess.

That was always the thing with me, the sense my head was in space that was much younger than what my peers were and that really I never had a sense of really relating to older children never mind any adult later on.

No, what I seemed to be stuck in and have a need to be as just being able to live more at my own rather child-like level so apart from buying things like Gordon the Gopher from Children's BBC to play with I began to experiment more around dressing younger whenever I could which was easier given I was a bit thin with girls hoodies and even school uniform.

I just felt more at one with who I was, liking the me in the mirror rather than glancing at an imposter who felt she was just acting out a role all the time.

1989 was when I started ti get back to being myself.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Tidying up the past and a nod to the future


After a better weekend at least as far as the weather goes with sunshine and pleasant warm temperatures we are back to cool and decisively damp weather with it bucking down outside as I type this.

So you might well ask apart from vibrating the walls and floorboards with heavy blues influenced  music have I been doing?

The answer has to be sorting out chunks of the main blog which having a long eighteen year history was rather messy in places from the days of "Treacle" the legendary Windows XP desktop that run some sites as if you were running across a lake of it, intermittent connections and very limited use of images of any sort.

So posts lack graphics that would of helped, sometimes posts never got made as the connection conked out on you even though I have in diaries the ideas I had planned for that week and the odd post needed an update.

I've spent the time working on that across the week, a bit at a time, old diaries out with paper to sequence them in the way they were meant to be back then and it looks great talking about a variety of things that mattered then and differing ways now still do.

Posts here have been a bit different for a bit, going more with a hotline to emotions, thoughts and feelings journaling than the past simply cos I feel the need to just let things out between the more everyday stuff of an eternal adult school girl.

And that feels better.