Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Yes's it's that day in the year where the ghouls all come out and I stock up on candy to dole out.
Happy Halloween people!
Some of us can't get enough Fairy Tail!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sorting me out

I don't like tattoos much but this is so much not just the kind of bedroom I just love with it's children's furniture, care bear plushies and posters but also of being in a very young girl gingham dress, braided and bowed as an adult little.
I was never really intended to be a grown up.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Guilty secrets.

We might begin by saying according to Google, I have now 14 followers of this blog and it is going to circulated a bit more widely with a short introductory message.
For most of this week I've been reading a mixture of Enid Blyton's Secrets series with the first two stories in their 1960's paperback editions as modern editions haven't so much edited as partially re-written the first chapters that are essential to understand why 4 children would runway in this period from their guardians.

Guilty secret time:
Okay, the eagle eyed will spot a modern no-no on the front cover of this, one of the original three story collections in the Amelia Jane stories.
Amelia is a home made ragdoll who lives in the toybox with the other twos of the children who own them with a teddy bear, sailor boy, wooden mouse and a clown as well as a 'golly' a black faced doll if you grew up in the 70's or before you may well have had in your toybox.
I have fond memories of my toy box I can assure you with dolls teddy bears and even a golly (eek).
Amelia being home made hasn't been what we'd call socialized and so is gets very bored doing incredibly naughty damaging things, playing with matches, being very rude and spiteful, just like many young children, something that no doubt makes it very easy to identify with.In some respects it's almost a moral tract showing action and consequence through the adult narration.
The other toys do with the help of the brownies (another no-no in modern editions) restore order. Amelia has to stand in the corner  and is smacked, just rather like I was at that age for doing pretty much the same things cos like any kid I was capable of 'naughty'.
'Golly' is a no-no too but anyone who has read these stories know he's a really sweet but strong character who will stand up for himself and isn't afraid to take the lead on bring Amelia back under control.
I guess the 'Golly' problem lies with parts of his depiction having prominent eyes and red lips being too close for some to 'blacked up' white actors who some see as promoting a negative stereotype of black people although Enid Blyton sure doesn't in her stories and in the UK at least 'Golly' or 'Gollywogg' was never frequently used as a racial insult.
Given I at least have been called a 'muppet several times before now and no one has insisted on removing that word from public tv and literature, shouldn't we judge a book by it's content and only take offence when a character is being portrayed in an offensive way?

On taking steps back

Everything around this blog is a bit like an umbrella in some ways because what it is  I get from and am looking from from this whole being like a child who I am thing is a sense of place that makes sense for me.
Sense from the point of I am treated and engaged with at a level that I am capable of understanding both intellectually and emotionally because people have tried, sometimes pushed by so-called experts to take me further but that only created problems around coping with the expectations that go with them.
I had to be sheltered from a lot of things even in my later years at high school and my experiences since, not least the breakdown that happened a few years back underscored the problem because as hard as I tried to make sense of these expectations in reality I couldn't meet them. I only acted as if I had a understanding - and a shallow one at that - of them to try to fit in where really I wasn't and could not.
I need to take two steps back and be treated more as I actually am to take the step forward to do what I can the best I can.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Schoolgirl roleplaying

I'm currently engaged in a online School Roleplaying game where I play as myself in a class that has set work to produce from internet based resources and there in game and out of game rules.
It also has rules about when work should be handed in and a written punishments system outside of any verbal chastisement so as far as it is possible it has much of the emotional and psychological feel of being in school, having to work and being judged up on that so to that extent I may experience unpleasant emotions in much the same way as I did in real in real school.
I've consented to this within the game because I feel the setting of tasks and the certainty of some written punishment such as lines to complete my help train me to be more focused and that I am under disciplined which as I've talked about here was and is causing problems in my life.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I want to see the lights

Well I'll start this blog entry with a thanks to Pink and Frilly for following this blog.
Okay guess where in the UK this might be seen? You see I went off on another little adventure to a place you might have childhood memories of  and is surrounded by fun things you might want to do.This place has trams a plenty running up and down some like these are modern ones but at weekends and high season the old types are run.
Okay that place is Blackpool, Lancashire, Northwestern England, a place that is  unapologetically loud and I travelled on as coach using the Motorway network although we as a bit naughty and used the slip road but a few miles from my main road to join it! Being very near the entry point to one of the principal motorways has its advantages.
Like a number of UK resorts it's has a pier that jets out into the sea with various attractions including amusement arcades on them. This one had a Victorian Photography booth where you can wear and be photographed in period attire.
 You can see just how far out it goes! It's as well there were things undercover as it rained hard for a period in the afternoon. I went to Harry Ramsden's for lunch where the service was exemplary and the Plaice lovely and moist.
One prominent landmark is the Big Wheel although going on that is out of bounds for me as I'd lose my head if I went on on it.
That's the big Tower which is being restored near the SeaLife Centre, Dungeons  and the waxworks museum. I spent quite a bit of time in Toymaster looking at the dolls, colouring books, sylvarian families toys and that. I'm sure the assistant clocked me!
In the foreground is one of the illuminations that was one of the main reason for going as these lights have partially renewed allowing for more fantastic effects. There were fairies, teddybears, diamonds and at a Quarter past six, we assembled to go through them all illuminated at Seven PM. It was beautiful.
By Eight-thirty, I was back home for a light snack before putting my jim jams on  as this little girl was dead tired and needed her sleep.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Outing day post

It’s kind of funny how some sites leave you feeling, some more informed others are a bit more sneaky in that you end up owning up to likes nay even fetishes you ordinarily wouldn’t of even considered. It may even by that’s part of their purpose, to get you leaving something permanent behind, you know  a trap, and if that’s true it’s rabbit cave I’ve fell onto all right.
But odd thing is, I don’t feel bad about it in the way that in the past I have cos I’ve moved on and it’s just a part of me that I wouldn’t be complete a  person without.
I own my gender identity, needs and fetishes and I'll stand up for them.
If I like playing  online childrens dress up games for hours on end well so darn what?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Jo Kitten

The more kittenish and cute way of dressing is very much a part of the kind of girl I see myself as, relatively simple sometimes with hose, other times with knee or thigh high socks.
I prefer small accessories like purses over anything really big .

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Darning free zone

Hello and hope you're having a jolly good day as we move into the fall.
The great thing about the fall is the colour of the leaves changing aided by low glowing sun but there's no getting away from it, it's a little cooler than it was.
That takes me to one of the essentials of my uniform, long over the knee socks to keep my legs nice and warm.
Well, a pair of mine were getting a bit of hole in them and with my paws I can't darn them  so in replacing them I give a hit of thought what they were going to go with and these go with my school skirt as well as my black pinafore dress.
With that I got two pairs of each from Sexy Minx - not all her stuff is suitable for children - but what the heck, she's a great etailer on ebay.
Rather dash don't you think?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Joanne is reading for pleasure

A return to work this week after being poorly but immersed in littleness for the preceding two  prompts this weeks entry.
Reading  for people like me who have difficulty recognizing words and following English grammar is hard going but we are getting somewhere as I actually enjoyed for once reading while unable to work.
A good while back we were talking in chat about favourite stories and Jennifer said she liked the Famous Five series to which my reply was one of once I'd finished paying back some money I spend on a big cd box set, I'd consider getting a set cos although I did read a few when I was officially younger, I'm missing a set.
The stories feature the adventures over their vacations of Julian ,Dick, Anne and George aka Georgina and her dog, Timmy. George lives with her father Quentin, a Scientist, next to Kirrin Island that George 'owns'. In total there are 21 stories the earliest being 1942's Five on a Treasure Island to 1963's Five are together again
That bundle of books is the "classic" edition which retains Eileen A. Soper's original illustrations not to be confused the 2011 significantly altered set and only set me back just under £25 shipped from Amazon that's really quite a bargain.
One bone of contention regarding all of Enid Blyton's books is, over the years some subtle and not so subtle alterations have been made.
While this set isn't too bad from that point of view with no loss of  or major changes in characters, some of those made make no sense such George - the girl who wants to present as a boy - we are told in this edition wears a jersey and jeans however the illustrations clearly show her in shorts (something boys under 14 in the UK did wear during the period these books were written) and further research I did showed this to a fairly recent alteration. Equally a reference to Quentin in Five on a Treasure Island  threatening a spanking to George for being very awkward as well as cheeky is removed (even though it would of been very likely to had been made back then) and yet in Five go off in a  caravan, Nobby the circus boy is still threatened with a whipping and gets it from Tiger Dan his circus step father.
For all cackhanded so-called Political Correctness though I'm enjoying reading these stories and it's interesting she made 'George' the way she did without any implied criticism. A heroine if ever one needed one.

Not unsurprisingly I love school stories especially boarding school ones and one series I've been slowly collecting inspired in part by our motley alg crew's tastes is by Anne Digby and is called Trebizon that runs to 14 stories.
If that sounds terribly Cornish it's meant to be cos it's based on this super school for bright girls next to the beach and being written and published between 1978 and 1994 covering a  period when I was in boarding school (yay!) we are treated to such cultural references such as British Rail, Wimbledon, duplicating machines with their stencils, cassette tape recorders and finally Television!
That is the 1993 first three stories in one hardback book edition as published by Deans.
The stories are centred around Rebecca who joins the school having been at a London Comprehensive following her parents stationing in Saudi Arabia with a common theme being her emerging talent at Tennis although (hurrah!) she does play Hockey too! Of the other major characters we learn about her best friends Tish Anderson and Susan Murdoch and her boyfriend Robbie. We learn about the trails of fitting in when you join a school in the second term after everyone's paired off with friends, about hard choices deciding what to major in and what you may need to drop to keep your schoolwork schedule manageable.